The Watchers
Call this whatever you want.....just something I made not too long ago. And considering the fact I almost never make poetry, I kinda like this one.
Tell me what you think of this!! You can comment below or message me on Substack, even email me if you want - Honest feedback only 🫵🏻
(There’s also some Latin sprinkled here and there. I included a quick key at the end.)
Asleep with lidless eyes
Seven Watchers in halls of stone
Standing in wait for need to arise
With each this verse upon their weighty throne:
Septem stant exspectantes, septem surgent tempore necessitatis.
Sex cadent, at unus stabit, usque ad finem temporis.
Each knew the day would come
When the sun would go dark; and the stars fall
Even the strongest of them must to the powers of evil succumb
Thus it was foretold to come, when the Heavens call
Yet there was a glimmer of hope, faint but bright
The Watchers, made for the end
Knew that while Six must fall to the Night
One would be left to hold and defend
This Watcher Lord would ne’er fall
Come what may, come what will
He alone would against the coming Storm stand tall
Bloodied yet alive, bent yet unbroken, grim face lifted still
Each longed for this honor, yet none dared to speak aloud
Each wishing to be the Lord the Heavens foretold
Thus while eons passed, Seven Watchers sat silent and proud
Born to save mankind in time of greatest need, and sacred life uphold
For a thousand years and more
These Watchers sat in peace
Guardians of the world, made for war
Then their rest came to a cease
Into the hall came fleeing a wounded man, wrought with fear
Knelt he before his lords of ages past
“My lieges, the Storm has come. Your enemies are here.” Then he breathed his last
None stirred in the hall
Then the First Watcher arose
There was fire in his eyes and with this he answered the call
“Itaque, veni, brethren, let us throw down our foes.
The time has come to wake at last, once and for all”
Then he drew his ancient sword
And with him five more Watchers rose
Yet still there sat a single lord
Taller and more terrible than any in his repose
And spoke he forth these words of doom
“Beware the wiles of ancient man
For time and time again they have led the Powers to the tomb
Stay, tarry, wait and plan.”
But hasty was the Watcher Lord
And so he set forth
The other lords, in their fury roared
With not a thought to counsel, they followed him North
As they left the Hall, each wondered
For the sky was stormy and had become as black as night, middle of the Day though it be
They knew the end of the world had come, as the skies thundered
Yet each set their face, determined to die free
As the Prophecy of Seven foretold
They rushed forth, with hearts hardened and bold
But still sat the Seventh Lord
On his throne made of dark and terrible stone
Sadly he rose, and took up his sword
For this he had known
Sex cadent, sed unus surget
But his duty was with his brothers
And so he dolefully departed the hall; and setting his face to the North he went to join the others
Though he knew they were destined to fall
Spreading wings made of light
He became a fell and terrible man of renown
With these he took flight
And all who saw him fell down
He alighted upon a mountain
And with wonder surveyed the battle below
There seemed to be an innumerable force of men and demons, as from a fountain
The Six were in the center of an ever closing circle, surrounded on a plateau
Then the Seventh Lord knelt
And when he rose, his eyes were like a raging storm
He drew his sword from his belt
And then he came, and his coming was like that of Death himself
Thus the ancient prophecy was fulfilled:
In hora maxima necessitate, Septimus veniet, et eius adventus erit sicut mors
Men and demons fell before his sword
None could stand his onslaught
The Six stood in awe of the fell lord
He was as a hero of ancient tales long sought
One by one, each Watcher was sent to the grave
As innumerable foes surrounded the remaining Lords
But each of their foes was killed, new enemies appeared, wave upon wave
The final warrior stood with his back to the mountain, slaying the hordes
Yet even he, Seventh Watcher, mightiest of the kings
Could not stand forever against these
Many he killed, and many deaths he brings
But then he fell to his knees
Surrounded, beaten down, yet still defiant
The Seventh Watcher lord of olde
Knelt he on the ground, upon one thing reliant
And as a sword came crashing down, he bowed his head, upon which was a ringlet of gold
And spoke a curse, with a voice like a giant
Then there came a sound, as of a glorious choir
And a blinding light, like that of the sun
The sword was frozen in time, surrounded by searing fire
Every evil undone
In a moment’s time, foes were vanquished, and the Sun began to shine
The Seventh Watcher arose
Lifted he his face to the skies, watching the sign
And for a second his was as that of a glorious king
Then fell he before the Heavens, his foes killed
And as in a flash of light
He vanished, his duty fulfilled
For lo, the Dawn was come, and he had banished the Night.
Phrase #1 (“Septem stant……finem temporis”) - “Seven stand waiting, seven rise in time of need. Six will fall, but one shall stand to the end of time.”
Phrase #2 (“Sex cadent, sed unus surget”) - “Six will fall, but one shall rise.”
Phrase #3 (“In hora maxima…..erit sicut mors”) - “In the hour of greatest need, the Seventh shall come, and his coming shall be like that of Death.”
“Itaque, veni” - “Therefore, come.”
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Ok first off I pretty much despise all poetry so keep that in mind as you read the rest of this: