A year ago, I set out to dismantle the so-called “conspiracy theories” surrounding the assassination of John F. Kennedy. My aim was simple: to write a well-researched paper proving that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone; that the Warren Commission’s findings were solid, and that the conspiratorial noise was just that—noise.
It took me only four days to realize how wrong I was.
The deeper I dug, the more the official narrative crumbled. By the time I finished my research, my perspective had completely reversed. I began this journey determined to prove Oswald guilty. Now, I stand convinced of his innocence
The man accused of killing our 35th President was not just framed—he was silenced…..sentenced to death. Not by a public court of law, not by a jury of his peers, but by figures hiding in the shadows, operating outside the bounds of justice.
So call it what you like….foolhardiness, stupidity, the rants of a conspiracy theorist…..but I refuse to stand by while the world is told that an innocent man was guilty of murder, and he is condemned on every stage, rostrum, newspaper, and social platform in the world. And I ask that you, at the very least, give me a fair trial, something that Lee Harvey Oswald was never afforded.
Isn’t that what everyone deserves? A fair trial?
And I’m not asking you to take my word for it. All I ask is this: grant me the chance to present the case for Oswald’s innocence before you. Investigate what I’m about to say. Question it. Test it against your own understanding of the events. And if, after all that, you still believe Oswald is guilty, that’s your right. It’s a free country.
But I humbly request a fair chance to present my case before you.
And maybe, just maybe, like me, you will discover and hear things you have never heard before….things that may change your mind completely.
Who knows?
[If you don’t know a lot about the official story, and would like to read more on it, I encourage you to check out Wikipedia’s article on the JFK assassination. As a disclaimer, I reject most of the article. And a lot of it is just pure lies. But it’s still valuable to get an idea of where the politically correct stance is.]
RESOLVED, Lee Harvey Oswald fired the shot that killed John F. Kennedy. He did so from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository with a sniper rifle from behind, as stated by the Warren Commission report. He was the lone shooter.
Lee Harvey Oswald was forced to submit to a paraffin test after being arrested & booked at the Dallas police station. Paraffin tests look for gunpowder on your hands, fingers, face, and other body parts to determine if you have fired a gun in the past 24 hours. They do this by testing for nitrate, a key ingredient in gunpowder. It’s possible to have come in contact with nitrate after handling things other than gunpowder. For this reason, when a paraffin test is done, and it’s positive, the accuracy rate is around 85%. But when a paraffin test is done and it’s negative, the accuracy rate is 100%.
Oswald was tested for nitrate just hours after being arrested, and the result was negative. The man had not fired a gun in the past 24 hours. This makes it impossible for him to have killed Kennedy only hours earlier. These records from the Dallas Police Dept. were not released until ten years later, after they were forced to make public most or all of Oswald’s arrest paperwork & files. According to multiple defense lawyers, this alone would have been enough to clear him. But not only was it never used, it was actively concealed for years.
Right after Kennedy’s death, the new President, Lyndon Johnson, established the Warren Commission to head up the investigation into the assassination. Everything official & politically correct you hear on the assassination is from the Warren Commission report.
What almost no one knows is that the Warren Commission is not actually a real investigatory body. On the contrary, they are nothing but a Presidential commission. This means the President personally asks them to deliver a report to him alone, for his personal uses.
So, if the Warren Commission wasn’t the real investigatory body, who was? The answer is the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA). The HSCA was established to investigate the deaths of John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X, & Martin Luther King, Jr.
The HSCA unanimously concluded that Kennedy was killed as a result of a conspiracy. They also concluded it was impossible that Oswald was the lone shooter, and likely he was innocent. Further, they concluded that the Warren Commission was completely and totally compromised. Certain members of the HSCA also stated privately that they believed there were federal agencies actively working to “subvert & undermine” the interests of America.
Because the HSCA was the actual, official, investigatory body, what they say is (legally speaking) the actual position of the United States government. But this has been concealed behind a framework of lies and deception, so almost no one knows the truth.The film of the assassination, famously shot by Abraham Zapruder, clearly shows Kennedy lurching back and to the right after being shot. This is not conducive to the official story, which states that Oswald was behind Kennedy and to the right. If Oswald had really shot the President, JFK would have lurched forward and to the left. As it is, the shot must have come from in front of him and to the left, which explains why he fell away in the opposite direction.
The surgical team that met Kennedy upon arrival to Parkland Memorial Hospital all agreed that he was (beyond the shadow of a doubt), fatally shot by a bullet that made an entry wound on the bottom left quadrant of his throat, passed through his jaw & brain and made its exit at the top, back, far right quadrant of his skull. This matches with Kennedy’s reaction in the Zapruder film, and is supported by Kennedy’s necktie and shirt collar, both of which show a bullet hole near the bottom left quadrant of his throat. But if Lee Harvey Oswald had actually shot him from the Depository, which was behind and to his right, it would be impossible for the bullet to strike him in the front of his neck. What the doctors are saying also directly contradicts what the Warren Commission concluded happened.
While police & others were searching the Depository immediately after the gunfire, they found Oswald on the second floor lunchroom, having just bought a drink from a soda machine. Now, in order for him to fire the shots, he would have needed to be on the sixth floor, opposite wing of the building, where the rifle was found (the official story). But he was (less than 60 seconds later), on the other side of the building, 4 stories down. What’s more, the power to the Texas School Book Depository suddenly and inexplicably was cut off for a minute or so as JFK was passing by in his motorcade. Remember that Oswald had just bought a drink from the soda machine. Buying the drink while the power was off would have been impossible. So this would require him to have been in the second-floor lunchroom buying the drink, while the power was still on, at the exact moment JFK was shot and killed.
Even if he somehow managed to subtly fake the drink purchase, the power being off would also render him incapable of using an elevator, meaning he would have had to sprint down 4 flights of stairs and across the whole building. The witnesses who saw him in the lunchroom said he wasn’t out of breath, not flushed, and very calm.
Something you’ll never hear from the official story is that the shot Oswald made is actually impossible. During November of 1963, there was a huge oak tree between where Kennedy was shot, and the Depository window Oswald supposedly fired from. Trouble is, he already wasn’t a good sniper (based off testimony given by his former fellow Marines) and even a good sniper would have had significant difficulty making the shot through that tree.
You can observe this here:
This photo was taken by James Altgens, around 3-4 seconds before the shots rang out. The dark building with the fire-escapes is the Depository. The tree at the top left is the tree Oswald would have had to sight through in order to kill the President. And no, he couldn’t have fired over the tree. You’ll see why in a second:
The window he supposedly fired the shots from was extremely low to the ground. This can be seen in the following picture:
The window that is open is the one Oswald supposedly fired through. The trouble is that this particular window, even fully open, would have been impossible for even a skilled sniper to fire through. Because Oswald is six floors up, the angle the rifle would need to be rested at would be extreme. Anyone who has ever held a hunting rifle or any type of high-caliber sniper rifle knows they are fairly heavy. Now, this window has no way to support the rifle. Oswald would have to stand with his knees bent, twist his torso awkwardly, point the rifle downwards, steady it somehow, and sight & fire through a thick oak tree, at an object (which at that distance) would look about the size of a very small melon or a large grapefruit…..that was moving around 15 mph on a curved road. Not to mention there are five other tiny melons right next to your target. Your target is also turning and waving constantly, not remaining still.
See how impossible this is? He can’t even see the target because of the tree. How would he even be able to fire? He might have better luck closing his eyes and randomly firing into the air.
I want you to take a look at the picture above and try to imagine handling a heavy rifle and finding a good position to rest the rifle in, through the window, and fire. The window is too low to stand in, and just barely too high to lay in front of. And the boxes in that room were very heavy, full of thick textbooks. The way they are arranged in the photo is exactly how they were arranged when Oswald shot the President. This makes it impossible for him to be sitting with crossed legs, seeing as how the rifle needs to be pointing down at an extreme angle.
If you go to the Depository in Dallas right now, it’s been turned into the Sixth-Floor Museum, a museum about JFK, Oswald, and the assassination. You will actually find (what they claim) is the bullet that killed the President. It’s on display in a glass case. Here’s two pictures (one in color and one with four angles, in b&w).
Now, why are these photos so insane and laughable?
This is the supposedly the bullet that broke Gov. Connally’s wrist bone, shattered Kennedy’s jaw, and blew off the top of his skull from the inside. The round was an Italian-sourced 6.5x52mm Carcano, made of lead. The 6.5x52mm is an extremely large round.
But there’s one little catch. Lead is about the softest material you can made a bullet out of. So soft that if you press a bullet made out of lead the right way, your thumbnail will literally leave a print in the metal.
Yet, this bullet shattered multiple bones and essentially pulverized the President’s head, and there isn’t even a mark?? The bullet should be completely and totally destroyed and in microscopic fragments. But not only is it whole, it appears to be completely undamaged. And they want you to believe that this is the same bullet that killed Kennedy.
What would the motive be for that? Why would they do such a terrible job of concealing the real bullet? No one really knows. Perhaps the real bullet has something to tell us that would undermine the official, and politically correct, explanation.While we’re onto it, the bullet has some more interesting things to note. Take a look at this diagram. This is the official explanation for the bullet’s path, and seems to be the only plausible theory for how Oswald would have been able to kill the President and wound Gov. Connally.
Kennedy is on the left, & Gov. Connally is on the right. Connally would be sitting in the seat directly behind the driver, and the President is just behind him.
According to the official story that Wikipedia and the government want you to believe:
The bullet struck Kennedy in the back of his head and killed him.
It then exited out his jaw and continued for a few feet.
Then it proceeded to do a sudden and inexplicable 180 degree turn.
It went in that direction for a few feet before once again doing a sudden and inexplicable 180 degree turn.
The bullet passed over Connally’s shoulder and then angled down, turning again with precision to strike and break his wrist.
Lastly, it glanced off his wrist after breaking it and fell to the floor of the Lincoln Continental limo between Connally’s legs.
See how ridiculous this all is? Last I checked, bullets don’t turn randomly in midair. At all. Let alone with perfect timing, down to the millisecond, to kill Kennedy and wound Connally.
This is literally, no joke, what the US government wants you to believe. Scary, huh?With the exception of 3-4 people, most or all of the witnesses present in Dealey Plaza agreed that the shots didn’t come from the Depository. They all thought the shots came from a grassy knoll on the opposite side of the plaza. And if you watch the footage of the shooting, every police officer (excepting one), sheriff’s deputy, and most of the men in the crowd run that direction right after the shots ring out. This is corroborated by tons of witness evidence and similar footage/photos. They seemingly completely ignore the Depository. Possibly because the shots never came from there……
In point #2, I talked about how the HSCA concluded JFK was killed as a result of a conspiracy. I’ll take these last few paragraphs to outline their reasons for believing that.
They made two positive assertions. The first is that Oswald was not the only shooter. The second is that the assassination was a conspiracy. Both are based off one little bit of evidence that was overlooked by the FBI & Dallas PD’s investigation. Which is very, very lucky. If the FBI and/or Dallas PD had found out about this, they would have destroyed it before the HSCA could get to it.
The piece of evidence was a small, roughly half-hour long recording of a police channel. In the 60s, a method called “Dictabelt” was used to physically record police channel traffic on tapes. It’s not in use anymore, but it’s helpful for our purposes.More or less, an unidentified officer in the motorcade had a slightly broken mic switch, that didn’t turn his mic all the way off. Because of this, everything up to and after the shooting was recorded on the Dictabelt.
I’ve listened to the recordings myself, and they’re not very clear at all. It’s actually very hard to know what’s going on at any given time. But that’s not the point. The point is that the HCSA brought in multiple professional acoustic analysis experts from across the nation and had them examine the recording.
If you look this up, almost everything you find on it will say that many of the analysts said there was nothing abnormal with the recording. It will also say that the audio has since then been discredited by numerous other professionals.These are blatant lies.
Most or all of the acoustic analysis team agreed that the audio for the shots did not match what the Warren Commission said happened. They said the shots were too far away to be from the Depository. They also said that the shots did not come from the direction of the Depository. Based on this evidence, the HCSA made their conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was not the only shooter, and probably never fired any shots at all.
Then, while examining the audio further, they found something very interesting. It appears that the Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry radioed in that the President was shot almost 10 seconds before it actually happened. I know there have been objections about how the timing on the Dictabelt recording was off slightly, and unfortunately, I don’t know enough about this part of the HSCA’s investigation to speak with confidence about it, but what I do know is that the Representatives staffing the committee believed there was something very, very wrong with how Jesse Curry called the shooting in before it happened.
This was the second piece of evidence that made them think JFK was the victim of a conspiracy.
To add one final point, the Church Committee (another House of Representatives investigatory body, formed to look into CIA & FBI misdeeds throughout the 19th century) completed a cursory investigation and stood in solidarity with the HSCA. They said the Warren Commission was completely compromised, and there was strong reason to believe JFK was killed by multiple people, Oswald not being among them.
This is the first article in a 5-6 part series on the JFK assassination. My goal is to cast light on what really happened that fateful day. I am of the firm belief that Lee Harvey Oswald died for a crime he never committed. Because of this, I am devoted to sharing the truth with as many people as possible.
Many times after the assassination went down, over the last 50 years, teams of defense lawyers have stood up and said that if given a chance, they could easily clear Oswald’s name in absentia. They were never given a chance to do this.
So these lawyers, along with many others, have taken to books, social media, and blog posts like this one to clear Oswald’s name. Together, it is my firm hope that one day all of America will look back on November 22nd, 1963, and know that Lee Harvey Oswald was an innocent man. They will see the massive travesty of justice the whole event was. They will see who the real actors were. And they will no longer hold the name “Oswald” in contempt and loathing.
So, friends, I leave you with these parting shots.
As of November 25th, 2024, the Central Intelligence Agency alone has over 30,000 pages worth of files related to the JFK assassination that they have not yet released. What would there be to write 30,000 pages about?? Keep in mind over 10,000 have already been declassified. Every President since George W. Bush has been elected on the promise that they will declassify the remaining files. To date, none of them have ever kept this promise. President Trump has promised to do the same in 2024. Let’s hope he follows through with it.
One might also ask, why is the CIA specifically always named in JFK assassination theories? The answer is simple. The day that JFK was killed in Dallas, there was an executive order lying on his desk in Washington to defund and de-authorize the CIA as a federal agency.
All that remained was for him to sign it. He was planning on doing so as soon as he returned from Dallas. But very fortunately for the CIA…..he never returned.
According to Gallup, CBS, & Pew, 61% of United States citizens believe that Oswald was not Kennedy’s sole killer.
30% believe Oswald didn’t even kill Kennedy.
Over 74% believe that the government lied about one or more portions of the investigation.
70% believe there was an active cover-up.
Is there anything else to say? The people have spoken.
I’d love to talk about all this with you! If you have questions, objections to what I said, comments, or anything else, you can put it in the comments section or message me below :)
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I've only listened to one episode from your podcast and this and you have already convinced me.
Great article